To promote the sustainable development of economy and environment

How to understand ‘Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains are Invaluable Assets’

2018-09-23 12:09Source: 国际生态经济协会(IEEPA)中文

Chairman Xi Jinping's inference that ‘Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets’ is a dialectical conclusion, a dialectical thinking, and a scientific truth. It can be seen from several aspects:

First, from a material point of view, lucid water and lush mountain itself contains invaluable physical assets. It supplies us survival and development, which itself includes invaluable benefits.

Second, from the point of view of connection, lucid water and lush mountain guarantees and supports invaluable physical assets. It creates a good environment-a green and ecological environment-to support us to obtain more material wealth.

Third, from a development perspective, lucid water and lush mountain can be transformed into invaluable physical assets. We obtain the material conditions for creation from lucid water and lush mountain, from which scientific inventions, technological development, and the creation of material wealth are all taken.

Fourth, from the perspective of people's livelihood, lucid water and lush mountain as well as invaluable physical assets are both needed by the people, and either should not be neglected. Without lucid water and lush mountain, we would not have a healthy living environment, nor have abundant material living conditions. Lucid water and lush mountain and invaluable physical assets are both required. From the perspective of people's livelihood, obtaining invaluable physical assets under the premise of protecting lucid water and lush mountain will improve and enrich people's material life, cultural life and spiritual life.

Fifth, from the perspective of the times and history, lucid water and lush mountain as well as invaluable physical assets should both solve some urgent problems. For example, water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, waste of resources, relatively high costs, unscientific development, and inferior efficiency. We need to solve all these problems above, and we must take solid action in the battle against pollution.

Only the most stringent system and the strictest laws can provide a reliable guarantee for the construction of ecological civilization. The revision, promulgation and implementation of the Environmental Protection Law are of great significance for protecting and improving the environment, preventing and controlling pollution, protecting public health, promoting the construction of ecological civilization, and promoting the sustainable development of the economy and society.

First, to promote green development. Revise the Mineral Resources Law and formulate the original functional law, deepen the reform of the land system, revise the land management law, speed up the establishment of green production, consumption legal system and policy guidance, adapt to and meet the supply-side new normal requirements for development quality and efficiency, and use legislation comprehensively on resources for research and demonstration.

Second, to thoroughly solve prominent environmental problems. Legislate norms to thoroughly solve prominent environmental problems, amend Law on Prevention and Control of Solid Wastes Environmental Pollution, Law on Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution, and Environmental Impact Assessment Act, to improve the legal system of pollution prevention and control, establish and improve the legal norms for various environmental pollution factors, covering water, gas, sound, noise, light, etc., and build a scientifically strict and systematically perfect legal system of pollution prevention and control.

Third, to increase the protection of ecosystems. The legislative plan of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress made it clear that the Forest Law, Grassland Law and Fishery Law should be amended, the protection of the ecosystem be strengthened, and The National Park Law be formulated to make systematic regulations on the safety and protection of the entire ecosystem; Law on Yangtze River Conservation should be formulated to make reasonable regulations on the protection of the most important watershed system in China. Wetland Law should also be formulated to protect the most valuable and productive ecosystems on the earth’s surface.

By adopting a holistic approach to protect and conserve our mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands, we will accelerate the promotion of ecological environmental protection legislation, improve the ecological environmental protection laws and regulations system, use the most stringent system and the strictest laws to protect the ecological environment, and vigorously promote the comprehensive and effective implementation of environmental protection legal system