To promote the sustainable development of economy and environment

Weekly News

2024-06-04 18:06Source: 中文


On May 27th, Dr. Liu Hongzhi, Vice President and Secretary General of our association, was invited to provide suggestions for the top-level design of climate standards. This is also a concrete manifestation of our association's continuous accumulation and utilization of expert advantages in the field of dual exploration.


On May 22nd, the main person in charge of our association and colleagues from the Secretariat visited the Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and reported on our association's work over the past year. During the meeting, the responsible comrade of our association gave a detailed introduction to the completion status and achievements of our association's various tasks, and expressed sincere gratitude for the strong support provided by the center's leadership and expert team. In addition, I have also proposed plans and goals for future work, hoping to continue receiving professional guidance and support from the center. The leaders of the Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment have fully affirmed the efforts of our association over the past year and provided valuable suggestions for the direction of future cooperation. They emphasized that both sides should further strengthen communication and jointly promote the development of environmental protection.


Recently, leaders from the State Administration of Taxation visited our association and conducted in-depth discussions on new quality productivity and ecological economy.


Recently, leaders from the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University visited our association to provide guidance and discuss health and well-being.


Recently, leaders from the Department of Ecology and Environment of Hebei Province visited our association to discuss the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei and the role of social organizations.


Recently, experts from the China Environmental Research Institute visited our association and reached an agreement on win-win cooperation.


The executive director of our association went to Changzhi, Shanxi for research, and the main leaders of Changzhi warmly received him.


Recently, the Soil and Groundwater Alliance of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences visited our association and discussed the opportunities and challenges faced by professional associations.


Recently, the Soil and Groundwater Alliance of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences visited our association and discussed the opportunities and challenges faced by professional associations.


The recruitment for Deep Earth Science and Yunlong Lake Laboratory is currently underway. Friends interested in deep space carbon waste and groundwater recharge are welcome to inquire.



I will continue to report on the zero waste and zero carbon ecological agriculture project in Tianya District, Sanya, under the guidance of Professor Wen Tiejun.


I will assist in the construction of the zero waste and zero carbon ecological agriculture project in Tianya District, Sanya, which is supported by technical support. In the future, infrastructure construction such as schools and tractor roads is progressing smoothly. I will provide technical introduction, key points, science popularization, training, certification, and other work smoothly. The weekly report has completed 16 issues.