To promote the sustainable development of economy and environment

Du Xiangwan

Du Xiangwan
Chief Advisor

Du Xiangwan is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chairman of the National Committee of Experts on Climate Change.

China is an expert in applied physics and strong laser technology and energy research.

Mr. Du is also a fellow of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Deputy Director of the National Energy Advisory Expert Committee, Researcher of the China Academy of Engineering Physics and Doctoral Mentor. Additionally, he is a Foreign Fellow of the Russian Federal Academy of Engineering. He has chaired systematic and innovative research on nuclear test diagnostic theory and neutron science in nuclear weapons. Mr. Du. has served as the Chief Scientist of the Laser Expert Group of the "863 Plan" group, where he led the formulation of strong laser development strategies and plans, achieving important results in research on physical laws and key technologies. Furthermore, he put forward and successfully presided over comprehensive experimental research and solved engineering technology problems, bringing China’s new strong laser technology into the world's advanced ranks. Du Xiangxuan’s scientific and technological achievements have won several prizes for national scientific and technological progress. He also chaired and participated in advisory research on China's energy development strategy and climate change, and served as Deputy Director of the National Advisory Committee of Energy Experts and Chairman of the National Committee of Experts on Climate Change.

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